Friday 5 December 2014

Metcalfe Fair

In October the reagonal 4-H dairy show was held at the Metcalfe Fair. I had a very good day at Metcalfe this year we won intermediate showman and overall honerble mention showman. In confirmation Trix's got 14th in Sr. heifer. It was a proud day to represent Grenville Wolford dairy club.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Spirt of 4-H Award

On Saturday November,  2014 I reseved the spirt of 4-H award at the Leeds and Grenville Holstion banquite. There were a lot of applicants that apply every year for this award and there are two winners every year one winner from Grenville county and one from Leeds county. You have to write an essay and answer about 20 questions on your accomplishments over your time in 4-H and how you represent your county's Holstein association. It was a big surprise and I couldn't have asked for a better end to the show year!

Thursday 13 November 2014

The Royal Crash

The crash after the winter fair sucks. It's the low that happens after every fair but the Royals the worst for it because its a lot of up late and up early and standing all day long. Lots of energy drinks, alcohol and bad fair food. The stress of getting your calf looking great and hoping everything goes just right in the ring. That after the royals done you drive home go to school the next day try to get cought up on all the work you've missed. That the next day you finally crash and crash hard you've got a cold and the flu all wraped up in one great package.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Royal Count Down

It is two days till we head up to toronto and four days till showday. Gettting ready for the Royal is pretty exsiting getting hay picked out and got the tie stall display in the truck. Got bag packed and whites are clean. Trixs is getting clipped today. Got our Royal coats ordered and ready to got! Toronto here we come!!!!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

My story

I first started showing dairy calves when I was four years old in the pewee class at local fairs, now I show at the 4-H povincal showcase level for the second year. there are five shows I show at every year; East Gen Showcase, Merrickville Fair, Tri County, Spencerville Fair and Metcalfe 2.0. If I get top two in showman ship at Spencerville Fair I get to show at Metcalfe Fair then go to Tronto for the Winter Royal Fair. Its alot of work to well worth it.... Its like watching paint dry to my mom.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Preparing for a dairy show

Before every show I have to pack my showbox, wash pail, clipping box, pick out some small square bails, clip my calf and getting the trailer ready.

  1. neck tie/neck chain
  2. water pail
  3. hose, nosle
  4. power bar
  5. black leather show healter
  6. extra rope healter
  7. rock stars/red bull
Wash Pail
  1. head and shoulders shampoo
  2. mane and tail whitening spray
  3. scrub brush
  4. hoof brush
Clipping box
  1. big clippers
  2. cordless clippers
  3. baby clippers
  4. two topline brushes
  5. two crear magic
  6. two R&K black paint
  7. two R&K white paint
  1.  Pich fork
  2. wheel barle
  3. shoot
  4. shavings